Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Happy birthday Rob

To the sweetest, kindest, gorgeous most wonderful child in the world. A very happy and healthy birthday to you. May we celebrate many more to come. With much love, Dad.

Help someone else to help themselves.

Monday, August 8, 2011

What's gone on since March 5th, 2008

This is what I have medically had done since my lung cancer diagnosis March 5th, 2008. Some relatively minor stuff has been omitted.

1 needle biopsy (that told it all )
1 media stenoscopy (that confirmed it all)

47 chemo treatments
9 biological treatments
19 various scans (PET/CT/MRI)
2 muga scans (heart)
2 ECG's
Numerous EKG's
2 Portocath installations
1 Portocath removal
3 Lung taps
2 Pleural effusions.
1 Bout with MRSA

The intent of all this is not to make myself out to be the brave hero. But it shows how much people have to endure battling these awful diseases. Oh yea, thank G_d for good medical and disability insurance.

The alternative to all this is not good !

Help someone else to help themselves.

The beginning, the middle and recent. What a few years does to you !

Help someone else to help themselves.

Chemo 15 (Round 7)

Sitting here since 7:30 am. Weight is stable at 160 lbs and my vitals are all ok.The blood work came back ok and the poison was administered. As I drifted off someone tapped me on the shoulder to let me know it was time to see Dr. Schraeder. The check up was ok but we are going to change my head meds. It seems that a change is needed as the Cymbalta may not be doing it's job anymore. I am going to try Lexpro. I'm not going to get into the head med discussion suffice to say that at times it's needed. Go figure.

I left the infusion center at 11 am basically a happy camper. Slightly "dilly" but fine. When will this end ?

Help someone else to help themselves.